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Showing posts from February, 2020

Deepfakes a Cybersecurity Threat

In 2019,  50% of all global organizations  fell victim to ransomware, compromised accounts, or spoofed credentials, many due to falling for a phishing attack. In the same year,  Australians reported  $61.6 million lost due to investment scams. As alarming as these statistics are, we expect cybersecurity threats for 2020 to increase. Indeed, with the start of this new year, cybersecurity experts have been coming together to predict the targeted attack vectors and how to protect against them. Some of the most highly discussed topics include an increase in deepfakes, ransomware, and the standardization of MFA (multi-factor authentication). Deepfakes a Cybersecurity Threat for 2020 As technology advances, we’re hearing the term ‘deepfake’ more frequently. This word encompasses everything from  1920’s filmmakers animating earthquakes,  to the modern day  politicians “saying”  controversial things. At the core, today’s deepfakes use AI-based technology to create fake videos and audio that lo...

EagleEye - Stalk Your Friends. Find Their Instagram, FB And Twitter Profile

Stalk Your Friends. Find Their Instagram, FB And Twitter Profiles Using Image Recognition And Reverse Image Search. This only works if their  Facebook  Profile is public What does this do? In simple words you have at least one Image of the Person you are looking for and a clue about its name. You feed this program with it and it tries to find Instagram, Youtube, Facebook,  Twitter  Profiles of this Person. How does it work? You give it a name and at least one photo. It then searches Facebook for this name and does Facial Recognition to determine the right Facebook Profile. After that it does a Google and ImageRaider  Reverse  Image Search to find other Social Media Profiles. If a  Instagram  Profile was found it will be verified by comparing your known photo of the Person to some of the Instagram Pictures. In the end you get a PDF Report :) How to use it Automated Prequisites Installation wget && chmod +x pr...

$40 Million Worth Of Bitcoin To Be Sold On Auction By The US Government

More than 4,000 BTC will be auctioned today by the United States Marshals Service (USMS). The procedure will happen with sealed bids where the highest bidder gets the bitcoins. All of the bitcoins included in the auction have been forfeited in different federal criminal, administrative, and civil cases The US Marshal Service will  carry out  a sealed bid auction for around 4041 BTC later today. The amount, at current BTC rates, equals a little less than $40 million. According to the official release, there is a required deposit to participate in the auction set to $200,000. The bitcoins will be sold in four different series, divided into several blocks. This is how the distribution looks like: USMS Bitcoin Auction Lot Distribution. Source:  USMS To participate, bidders had to register with the USMS. The registration process opened on February 3rd and ended on Wednesday 12th, and those who are approved to take part must have received a confirmation from the USMS. All documentation recei...

Hacking IoT devices with Focaccia-Board: A Multipurpose Breakout Board to hack hardware in a clean and easy way!

Prologue Even before the appearance of the word (I)IoT, I was breaking hardware devices, as many of you, with a multitude of debuggers (i.e. stlink, jlink, RS23–2-2USB, etc.). It was always a PITA bringing around a device that does UART-to-USB, another that supports JTAG or SWD, a SPI reader/dumper, etc. Luckily for all of us, FTDI released the lovely FT232H chipset which does support all of them in one-single-chip. Hurray! One of the cheapest boards embedding the FT232H on the market is the FT232H CJMCU, which cost less than 10 EUR! FT232 CJMCU (Easily available on ebay, amazon or  Aliexpress ) Though, there was still a couple of drawbacks: Every-time I had to remember which Pin was doing what. For each of the protocols! (i.e. UART, JTAG, SWD, I2C, SPI). There were not Pull-Up resistors on the PCB. Some Pins used for a protocol have to be short-circuited to operate with other protocols (i.e. I2C or SWD). Too many flying cables when you need to connect to some testing DuPont wires (exa...

VulnX v1.7 - An Intelligent Bot Auto Shell Injector That Detect Vulnerabilities In Multiple Types Of CMS

Vulnx is An Intelligent Bot Auto Shell Injector that detects vulnerabilities in multiple types of Cms, fast cms detection, information gathering and vulnerability Scanning of the target like subdomains, IP addresses, country, org, timezone, region, and and more ... Instead of injecting each and every shell manually like all the other tools do, VulnX analyses the target website checking the presence of vulnerability if so the shell will be Injected. searching URLs with dorks Tool. Features Detect cms (wordpress, joomla, prestashop, drupal, opencart, magento, lokomedia) Target informations gatherings Target  Subdomains  gathering Multi-threading on demand Checks for vulnerabilities Auto shell injector Exploit dork searcher Ports Scan  High Level Dns -Servers Dump Input multiple target to scan. Dorks Listing by Name& by ExploitName. Export multiple target from Dorks into a logfile. DNS-Map-Results To do this,run a scan with the --dns flag and -d for subdomains. To generate a map of is...